Campers Pantry

Campers Pantry Pepperberry & Leatherwood Ice Cream


Campers Pantry Pepperberry & Leatherwood Ice Cream

Craving a sweet treat on the trail? Look no further than Campers Pantrys Freeze Dried Ice Cream! Made in collaboration with Van Diemens Land Creamery, the Pepperberry and Leatherwood flavour is one not to be missed!

Transport yourself to the Tasmanian bush where the pepperberries grow and the bees collect nectar from the leatherwood trees. Experience the taste of citrus fruits and earthy yet sweet balsamic scents combined into creamy ice cream, freeze dried for you to enjoy along your favourite tracks and trails.

Imagine exploring Tasmania’s ancient temperate rainforests and button grass plains, carrying your pack with all the essentials. When you stop for a snack or crave a post dinner treat, you can now indulge in Tasmanian-made freeze dried ice cream, crafted with ingredients likely found not far from where you sit.

Campers Pantry and Van Diemens Land Creamery are two Tasmanian brands collaborating to combine two passions: ice cream and the great outdoors.

📷 Mt Kilimanjaro @eli.egglestone


Servings per package:1Serving size: 50g

Average Quantity per Serving

AverageQuantity per 100 g


1310 kJ

2620 kJ


253.3 Cal

504.3 Cal


5.6 g

11.2 g

Fat, total

18.5 g

37 g

- saturated

12.2 g

24.4 g


30.6 g

61.3 g

- sugars

29 g

57.9 g


74 mg

147 mg

You’ll regret only buying one packet.. features a violet crumble like texture then melts in your mouth.

Crunchy Crumble Freeze Dried Ice Cream

DIRECTIONS: Eat it straight from the packet! NO rehydration needed.


Crunchy Crumble Freeze Dried Ice Cream

DIRECTIONS: Eat it straight from the packet! NO rehydration needed.


Van Diemens Land Creamery’s Pepperberry and Leatherwood Honey Ice Cream has won 14 awards in the last five years. Eleven of the 14 are gold or champion medals, including 2023 Reserve Champion Ice Cream and 2022 Champion Ice Cream at the 2022 Royal Tasmanian Fine Food Awards, and 2019 Best Premium Ice Cream at the Australian Food Awards.