Just returned from Larapinta using these stakes. Albeit the ground can be like concrete in places but I used the DAC in all places. One stake I hammered with a rock and the top bent over at the neck. First time I've seen this but it did bend over so they do have a week point! In cases where I felt too much hammering with a rock may have been needed I substituted for titanium nails which I carry a few for the very very hard ground. These I would rate at 100% tough where as DAC at say 90%.
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for the review, I'm sorry the DAC Stakes didnt live up to your expectiations. We use these on our tipis and are yet to bend one that hasn't deserved it (we deleiberatly destryoed some for testing) but please bring it in and we will replace it and any other bent pegs you have.
Fantastic quality, Past had it delivered to us promptly.
Super comfortable pillow
Great for hiking, such a light weight, just perfect